Two teapots in the form of roosters

Two teapots in the form of roosters

Meissen, Germany
Circa 1735
21×13.5 cm
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About Two teapots in the form of roosters

Model by Johann Joachim Kaendler

Two rare teapots made of hard porcelain in the form of sitting roosters, with heads and beaks forming the spout and curved tails serving as handles, along with a small lid that incorporates some of the tail feathers. The naturalistically enameled decor is painted in fine brown and iron-red shades, mimicking the feathers, combs, and legs.

This model was designed in the Meissen factory by Johann Joachim Kaendler around 1734. Other teapot models in the form of a rooster and also a hen were previously produced in the factory. The first animal models from Meissen were executed in 1731 by Johan Gottlieb Kirchner (1706-1768), who was soon supported by Kaendler, responsible for crafting the birds.

The teapots in the form of a rooster perfectly showcase Kaendler’s enthusiasm and talent for animal sculpture, as well as the artist’s excellent ornithological knowledge. The most famous modeler in Meissen played an undeniable role as the creator of European porcelain sculpture, and the sculpture of animals, whether real or imaginary, is one of the best examples of that.

RS 223

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