Stacking cup

Ravensburg, Germany
Height: 7 cm
Partially gilded silver
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About Stacking cup

Christoph Volland

The cylindrical-shaped tankard stands on a slightly flared and stepped foot. The simple body transitions from an flared and triple-stepped band to an approximately 2 cm wide and richly ornamented band. It is finished with a slightly flared lip rim.

Base punched with assay mark and master’s mark.

BZ: Ravensburg

MZ: Master’s mark: Christoph Volland, 1775/76

Coat of arms: C N

Personal tankard of Christoph Volland or possibly a gift from him to the “Zum Esel” society in Ravensburg.
Private collection, Frankfurt.
Art dealer Fritz Payer, Zurich.
Private collection, Küsnacht. Private collection Basel.

RS 347

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