“Potpourri” Vase

Circa 1748-1754
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About “Potpourri” Vase

Paul Hannong

“Large potpourri vase in the shape of a baluster with sculpted garlands in Rococo decor, adorned with ornamental gadrooning and two handles in Rocaille vine ornamentation. The lid is decorated with a large bouquet of sculpted flowers and foliage and embellished with four relief heads – two opposing female heads above the handles and two opposing male heads offset by 90 degrees. The vase is crafted in polychrome on-glaze painting. Potpourris were used as vessels to spread a pleasant fragrance in living spaces. They were filled with aromatic mixtures of flowers, salt, and spices, regularly stirred. Violet, orange, and orange blossom, roses and lavender, along with rosemary, thyme, and crushed cloves, were the main components of these fragrance mixtures, besides salt. This created the illusion of a perpetually fresh bouquet, both visually and olfactorily. Among the numerous sculpted flower petals, various small holes are hidden, allowing the fragrance to freely emanate.”

RS 109

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