Museum-Quality Ollio Pot with Kakiemon Decor

Museum-Quality Ollio Pot with Kakiemon Decor

Meissen, Germany
Circa 1723 – 1725
Heigth: 15.3 cm
Diameter: 17.2 cm
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About Museum-Quality Ollio Pot with Kakiemon Decor

Finely crafted tripod, adorned with two angular handles and accompanied by a matching lid. The bowl is decorated with underglaze blue detailing, complemented by polychrome chinoise- rie motifs showing a human figure, Indian-inspired floral patterns, and various insects. The dome-shaped lid is similarly designed and is crowned with a sculpted knob.

This bowl, characterized by its distinct rectangular handles and accompanying lid, stands out as an rarity in design. It was meticulously crafted without the traditional saucer, a deliberate choice reflecting its origins. The design traces back to a Japanese model, a piece that was added to the collection of the eminent August the Strong in 1723. Several variations exist in Meissen porcelain, with the most ancient being an unadorned white porcelain piece by Böttger. This venerable item, adorned with lions’ grips, still resides in the Porcelain Collection in Dresden (National Collection, Inventory No. PE 2911 a, b).

The absence of the mark could possibly indicate that the object was produced specifically for August the Strong himself.

RS 169

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